
Goethe University is a university located in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. It was founded in 1914 as a citizens' university, which means it was founded and funded by the wealthy and active liberal citizenry of Frankfurt. The original name was Universität Frankfurt am Main. In 1932, the university's name was extended in honour of one of the most famous native sons of Frankfurt, the poet, philosopher and writer/dramatist Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. The university currently has around 45,000 students, distributed across four major campuses within the city. The university celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2014. The first female president of the university, Birgitta Wolff, was sworn into office in 2015, and was succeeded by Enrico Schleiff in 2021.

Campuses and Faculties:

The University is located across four campuses in Frankfurt:

  • Campus Westend:
  • Social sciences
  • Pedagogy
  • Psychology
  • Theology
  • Philosophy
  • History
  • Philology
  • Archaeology
  • Law
  • Economics 
  • Business Administration
  • Human geography
  • Campus Bockenheim:
  • Mathematics
  • Computer science
  • Art history
  • Fine Arts
  • Campus Riedberg:
  • Pharmacy
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biochemistry
  • Biology
  • Geosciences 
  • Geography
  • Campus Niederrad:
  • Medical science
  • Dentistry
  • University hospital
  • Campus Ginnheim:
  • Sports.

20 Nobel Prize winners have been affiliated with the university, including Max von Laue and Max Born. The university is also affiliated with 18 winners of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize. Goethe University is part of the IT cluster Rhine-Main-Neckar. The Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, the Goethe University Frankfurt and the Technische Universität Darmstadt together form the Rhine-Main-Universities. In recent years, the university has focused in particular on law, history, and economics, creating new institutes, such as the Institute for Law and Finance and the Center for Financial Studies. One of the university's ambitions is to become Germany's leading university for finance and economics, given the school's proximity to one of Europe's financial centers.


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Rated 5 out of 3 Ratings

University Features

  • Country: Germany
  • Ranking: 340
  • IELTS: 6
  • Programs:
    Master's degree:
      Geology and Geography,
      Geology and Geography,
Price: €1,500
Price: €1,095
Price: €1 100